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Fix `Username Is Not In The Sudoer File. This Incident Will Be Reported` On Debian

This article explains how to "fix" sudo not working on Linux, resulting in this message when trying to use it: "your-username is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported." on Debian (and Debian-based Linux distributions like Ubuntu). sudo allows system admins to execute commands as root (administrator) or another…

Sudo Log Ubuntu

How to log all sudo commands : Sometimes it’s necessary to log all the sudo commands run in your environment. Let”s see how to achieve this. Edit the sudoers file by running visudo visudo Add the below line to the Defaults section Defaults logfile=/var/log/sudo Now all the commands from a…

Cara update ClamAV

Karena masalah malware kemarin akhirnya saya mencoba antivirus di Linux, yang paling populer tampaknya adalah ClamAV. Kalau masalah instalasinya sih mudah, yakin saya anda tidak mengalami masalah di CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu atau distro – distro Linux lainnya. Yang bikin saya penasaran di Windows rutin ada update database definisi malwarenya, buat deteksi ancaman…

Error upload could not be scanned: file zimbra

Pada Saat Upload File Attach zimbra muncul error "upload could not be scanned: file " ini dikarenakan service zimbra ada yang tidak berjalan... Silahkan cek : su zimbra zmclamdctl status clamd is not running. Jika Status Not Running, Jalankan perintah berikut : zmclamdctl start, selanjutnya cek status service  

Realtime Attachment Scanning Zimbra

By default, scanning is configured for a single node installation. To enable in a single node: In ZCS 8.6.x and later: It is possible to enable/disable attachment scanning globally or per server. To enable in a multi-node environment, using multiple MTAs for scanning is supported. zimbraClamAVBindAddress is set *per server* on…

Konfigurasi RBL’S dan RHSBL’S Pada Zimbra

Konfigurasi RBL’S dan RHSBL’S Pada Zimbra, Berbagai macam teknik yang dilakukan spammer dalam mengirim email spam ke banyak mail server. Monitoring harus sering dilakukkan pada mail server. Namun untuk mengurangi spam email yang masuk ke mail server. Kita bisa memanfaatkan RBL’S server dan RHSBL’s server yang ditambahkan pada mail server.…

Zimbra Recent Account Activity

A Zimbra extension that allows the user to monitor their recent login and account activity. This is important to keep the user's account safe. Supported Zimbra version 8.8.15. Bugs and feedback: https://github.com/Zimbra-Community/account-history/issues ======================================================================== Installing Use the automated installer: wget --no-cache https://github.com/Zimbra-Community/account-history/raw/master/account-history-installer.sh -O /tmp/account-history-installer.sh chmod +rx /tmp/account-history-installer.sh /tmp/account-history-installer.sh ======================================================================== Screenshot of Client…

PHP-FPM settings tutorial. max_servers, min_servers, etc.

The other day, I was looking around for articles and tips on how to fine tune PHP FPM’s www.conf settings. To my frustration, the official documentation didn’t give any recommendations. Furthermore, there weren’t a lot of tutorials on the subject After wading through various discussions and blog posts, I managed to piece…

Hapus Email di Semua Akun Zimbra Berdasarkan Subject

Hapus Email di Semua Akun Zimbra Berdasarkan Subject, ini biasanya digunakan apabila terlanjur salah memblast email pemberitahuan ke seluruh akun zimbra. Ketika itu terjadi, maka biasanya ada 2 cara, cara pertama manual menghapus dengan login satu persatu ke email akun setiap user dan menghapusnya. Cara kedua dengan cara malas menggunakan script.…

Cara Recovery MariaDB Galera Cluster

Apakah Anda pernah tidak sengaja mematikan seluruh node dalam MariaDB Galera Cluster? Apakah kemudian Anda bingung karena service MariaDB tidak bisa dijalankan kembali? Bila iya, maka kita bernasib sama. Ya, beberapa waktu lalu saya tidak sengaja mematikan seluruh node dalam MariaDB Galera Cluster yang saya buat. Saya sudah mencari beberapa…

Error Service mailbox setelah upgrade Zimbra 8.6 ke 9.0

Upgrade zimbra 8.6 ke versi 9.0 berhasil, setelah proses Restart Service muncul error : Starting ldap...Done. Starting zmconfigd...Done. Starting dnscache...Done. Starting logger...Done. Starting mailbox...Failed. Starting memcached...Done. Starting proxy...Done. Starting amavis...Done. Starting antispam...Done. Starting antivirus...Done. Starting opendkim...Done. Starting snmp...Done. Starting spell...Done. Starting mta...Done. Starting stats...Done. Starting service webapp... Failed. Starting zimbra…

How to list, start and stop services at boot time in Linux Ubuntu/Debian

Services which are also known as daemons, are scripts and programs that run in the background. These services, which require no user input, can provide many functionalities like database services (such as MySQL), or web server services (like Tomcat) etc… Over time however, the number of services can increase substantially and…
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