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Check Internet Speed with speedtest-cli on Debian and Ubuntu
Speedtest-cli is a script written in the Python programming language which measures the internet speed bidirectionally. This application allows you to check your internet speed upon distance in km, it can test against specific servers and it also provides a URL so that you can share your result on the internet.…
How to setup mysql & Apache Monitor Netdata
Netdata is a free open source, simple and scalable, real-time system performance and health monitoring application for Unix-like systems such as Linux, FreeBSD and MacOS. It gathers various metrics and visualizes them, allowing you to watch operations on your system. It supports various plugins for monitoring current system status, running applications,…
How to Install Netdata Monitoring Tool on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Netdata is a free, open source, simple and real-time performance and health monitoring tool with a beautiful web front-end. You can monitor CPU, RAM usage, disk I/O, network traffic, Postfix and much more using Netdata. Netdata gathers real-time performance data from Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS and SNMP devices quickly and effectively.…
How to set up quick and easy file sharing with Samba
Installing Samba On your Linux machine, open a terminal window. Install the necessary software with the command sudo apt-get install -y samba samba-common python-glade2 system-config-samba. Type your sudo password and hit Enter. Allow the installation to complete. sudo cp -pf /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.bak Now open the /etc/samba/smb.conf file in your favorite text editor and…
Problem with phpMyAdmin and PHP 7.2: “Warning in ./libraries/sql.lib.php#613 count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable”
It’s possible that when you installed phpMyAdmin, the version in the repository (phpMyAdmin v4.6.6) was not fully compatible with PHP 7.2. There is a newer version available on the official website (v4.8 as of writing), which fixes these compatibility issues with PHP 7.2. This error is caused by a line of…
Set up L2TP over IPSec in Linux Mint 18.3
apt install strongswan-plugin-openssl sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nm-l2tp/network-manager-l2tp sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install network-manager-l2tp sudo apt-get install network-manager-l2tp-gnome Source : http://parrabol.blogspot.com/2017/12/set-up-l2tp-over-ipsec-in-linux-mint-183.html
Disable Automatic Owncloud Client
The following sections describe how to use the Automatic Updater on different operating systems. Windows The ownCloud client checks for updates and downloads them when available. You can view the update status under Settings -> General -> Updates in the ownCloud client. If an update is available, and has been successfully downloaded, the ownCloud client starts…
dbus errors tuned and firewalld not even starting g-io-error-quark, 39
had two versions of system_bus_socket on the system /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket - older /run/dbus/system_bus_socket - newer after moving old one away, symlink the new one and reboot everything is working again mv /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket /usr/src/ ln -s /run/dbus/system_bus_socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket source : https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/254036/g-io-error-quark-39-error-when-stopping-dbus-service
Implementasi Q-in-Q pada Cloud Router Switch Mikrotik
Bagi admin jaringan yang harus memanagement banyak client tentu tidak asing dengan fitur VLAN. Dimana dapat membuat jalur virtual lebih dari satu pada satu link fisik. Fitur ini basanya digunakan untuk mengatasi resource interface fisik yang terbatas. Pada artikel sebelumnya, kita sudah pernah membahas mengenai VLAN, tepatnya di artikel berikut. Biasanya…
Forwarding Dengan Fitur NAT Mikrotik
Ada kalanya server yang ada di jaringan kita perlu bisa diakses dari jaringan publik. Misalnya karena ada karyawan yang bersifat mobile dan harus bisa mengakses data yang ada di server tersebut. Yang kita butuhkan adalah IP publik. Ip publik statis lebih direkomandasikan. Kita bisa saja langsung memasang ip publik ke…
PHP Selector Centos Web Panel
From version 0.9.8 all CWP servers have a CWP PHP Selector which can install all PHP versions with a single click. Using CWP PHP selector you can use a different PHP version per folder or domain. Available PHP versions in the CWP PHP Selector – php 4.4 – php 5.2…
Konfigurasi Dasar BGP Mikrotik
Apabila kita berlangganan internet biasanya Provider Internet (ISP) mempunyai sebuah layanan untuk memisahkan jalur atau gateway antara koneksi internet Internasional dan OpenIXP. Dengan cara ini para customer dapat dengan mudah untuk melakukan management bandwith untuk akses kedua jalur tersebut. Biasanya metode yang sering digunakan adalah dengan BGP Peer. BGP (Border Gateway…