Category: Teknologi
Set Up MariaDB Master-Slave Replication with Galera Cluster on Ubuntu
Previously, we discussed how to set up MariaDB Galera cluster on Ubuntu and how to encrypt replication traffic in Galera cluster. In this tutorial, we will be learning how to add an asynchronous replication slave to Galera cluster, which means the Galera cluster will be acting as a master. Galera Cluster As a…
Basic setup of master-slave GTID replication on MySQL 8
In this post let me introduce how to setup a basic master-slave replication with MySQL 8 database. Software environment: OS: Ubuntu 18 Database: MySQL 8 IP address of master machine: IP address of slave machine: Replication mode: GTID First step(backup and restore): If we want to setup a…
Cara membersihkan log binary MySQL (mysql-bin)
Saya baru tahu dan mengalami kalau log binary dari MySQL (atau MariaDB) apabila kepenuhan kapasitas storagenya bisa membuat proses database servernya mati dan tidak bisa dijalankan lagi. Pokoknya jangan sampai anda menghapus secara manual pakai rm karena bisa membuat MySQL tidak stabil, katanya. Saya belum berani mencoba apakah benar klaim ini. 😀 Jadi…
WonderShaper – A Tool to Limit Network Bandwidth in Linux
Wondershaper is a small bash script that enables you to limit the network bandwidth in Linux. It employs the tc command line program as the backend for configuring traffic control. It is a handy tool for controlling bandwidth on a Linux server. It allows you to set the maximum download rate and/or maximum upload…
Menjadikan Inbound & Outbound Mail Server ke Proxmox Mail Gateway
Konfigurasi Proxmox Mail Gateway sebagai Inbound dan Outbound Email Domain : IP Proxmox : domain : (IP Publik, misalnya IP Mail Server : domain : (IP Publik, misalnya Proxmox berada dibawah FIrewall sehingga IP Publik terletak di Firewall..berikut hanya dijelaskan konfigurasi…
MySQL Binlog, Jurus Ampuh Recover Data
MySQL adalah salah satu database server, yang bisa dikatakan paling populer di seluruh dunia. MySQL memiliki sejarah panjang, sejak tahun 1979 (hayo, sudah lahir belum?), yang kemudian mulai digunakan untuk pengembangan aplikasi berbasis web pada tahun 1994. MySQL diakuisisi oleh Oracle pada tahun 2008, kemudian MySQL membuat branding sendiri, tetap…
MySQL 8.0 high availability how to solve the master-slave synchronization error caused by the modification of slave database data
In the process of MySQL master-slave replication, errors are inevitable due to various reasons. How to solve the errors in the replication process? This article will demonstrate how to skip the corresponding errors in the slave database when the master-slave inconsistency is caused by the modification of the slave database…
Common MySQL Replication Issues
Introduction In this blog we are going to cover some of the most frequent replication issues that might happen to any actively being used databases. If they are not addressed properly it could really take your standby slaves nodes to an inconsistent and which could land you easily with single…
How to update Version ClamAV in Zimbra MailServer
Download ClamAV clamav-0.99.2.tar.gz #yum install gcc #mv /root/clamav-0.99.2.tar.gz /opt/zimbra/. #cd /opt/zimbra # tar -xvf clamav-0.99.2.tar.gz #cd /opt/zimbra/clamav-0.99.2 #./configure --prefix=/opt/zimbra/clamav-0.99.2 --with-user=zimbra --with-group=zimbra # make check # make install #rm -rf clamav #ln -s clamav-0.99.2 clamav #mkdir /opt/zimbra/clamav-0.99.2/db #chown -R zimbra:zimbra /opt/zimbra/clamav-0.99.2 #su - zimbra $ zmcontrol restart $ zmprov ms…
Fix `Username Is Not In The Sudoer File. This Incident Will Be Reported` On Debian
This article explains how to "fix" sudo not working on Linux, resulting in this message when trying to use it: "your-username is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported." on Debian (and Debian-based Linux distributions like Ubuntu). sudo allows system admins to execute commands as root (administrator) or another…
Sudo Log Ubuntu
How to log all sudo commands : Sometimes it’s necessary to log all the sudo commands run in your environment. Let”s see how to achieve this. Edit the sudoers file by running visudo visudo Add the below line to the Defaults section Defaults logfile=/var/log/sudo Now all the commands from a…
Cara update ClamAV
Karena masalah malware kemarin akhirnya saya mencoba antivirus di Linux, yang paling populer tampaknya adalah ClamAV. Kalau masalah instalasinya sih mudah, yakin saya anda tidak mengalami masalah di CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu atau distro – distro Linux lainnya. Yang bikin saya penasaran di Windows rutin ada update database definisi malwarenya, buat deteksi ancaman…