Category: Teknologi
Tutorial Instalasi Wazuh SIEM
Intro Wazuh merupakan salah satu dari sekian banyak platform Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) yang populer di kalangan praktisi Cybersecurity (Blue Team). Wazuh dapat menjadi pilihan SIEM yang powerfull dan komprehensif jika rekan-rekan merupakan pegiat opensource, dengan kata lain penggunaan Wazuh tidak dikenakan biaya langganan alias gratis jika digunakan pada…
How to Install ModSecurity for Apache2 on Ubuntu 18.04
Requirements AWS Account. Create your own AWS Account Amazon EC2 Ubuntu 18.04. Learn how to deploy Ubuntu 18.04 on AWS A user with sudo privilege command. To get started, This guide shows you step process on how to install ModSecurity for Apache2 on Ubuntu 18.04 within Amazon EC2 instance. Step 1. Install…
Blacklist and Whitelist pf Firewall FreeBSD
Blacklist and Whitelist pf Firewall FreeBSD pada file pf.conf Tambahkan Rule : table <white-list> persist file "/etc/pf/white-list" table <black-list> persist file "/etc/pf/black-list" block in from { <black-list> } to any pass in quick from { <white-list> } to any port 22 (Jika izinkan port 22) pass in quick from {…
IP Access control CWP
If you want to lock CWP login only for your IP address now you can do that by creating a file named "/usr/local/cwp/.conf/.access_root" and by adding your IP address in it. Create a File and add your IP's in it (one per line) /usr/local/cwp/.conf/.access_root eg. To disable Limited…
Cara Menghapus File dan Folder di Linux
Cara menghapus file dan folder di Linux server berbeda dengan cara menghapus file dan folder di Linux desktop. Nah, di artikel ini kami akan membahas secara lengkap bagaimana cara menghapus file dan folder di Linux server. Terdapat empat perintah untuk menghapus file dan folder di server Linux. Keempat perintah tersebut…
How to solve delete file “Operation not permitted” on Linux
Sometimes it is necessary to prevent all users including root from deleting a file. This is often done by changing the file attributes on a Linux file system. The tool used to change file attributes in Linux and other Unix systems is chattr The format of a symbolic mode is +-=[acdeijstuADST]. The format…
Memasang SSL Pada Unifi Network Application
Kali ini saya akan sharing bagaimana memasang ssl pada unifi network application yang berjalan di linux dengan menggunakan Keystore Explorer. sebelum mulai, saya harap Anda sudah memiliki SSL yang anda order , untuk sharing disini saya menggunakan ssl dari RapidSSL. file ssl yang harus anda siapkan adalah : ssl key…
Java Error: Failed to validate certificate. The application will not be executed
last week a customer had the problem that he wants to connect to the administration interface of a Brocade FC Switch but the Java Applet did not start. This error message was shown: “Failed to validate certificate. The application will not be executed” Failed to validate certificate. The application will…
Membuat OpenVPN Server di Mikrotik & TLS Certificates
Source : Untuk membuat OpenVPN di mikrotik tentu dibutuhkan sebuah ip publik jika ingin menjadikan vpn tersebut seagai remot jaringan online dari jaringan internet, namun jika hanya untuk jaringan lokal ya buat apa membuat vpn? Nah, VPN ini banyak sekali manfaatnya, tidak perlu saya jelaskan disini ya nanti terlalu…
Upgrade Firmware HP ILO terbaru
Download Firmware di situs HP dengan extension .exe atau .scexe Instal 7zip di windows pada Windows gunakan 7-zip: Login ke ILO, lalu Klik Firmware Update, Upload file .bin sumber :
USB Devices as VMFS Datastore in vSphere ESXi 6.0
In the last years I've seen many requests in forums and blogs where people are trying to use USB devices like USB sticks or external hard disks as VMFS formatted datastore. It was actually possible in vSphere 5, but very picky. Some USB flash drives were working, others not. In vSphere…
Telnet UDP Port
Unfortunately telnet will only allow to test ports for TCP. On the contrary nc can test ports for both TCP and UDP. TCP # nc -z -v -u [hostname/IP address] [port number] # nc -z -v 22 Connection to 22 port [tcp/ssh] succeeded! UDP # nc -z -v [hostname/IP address]…