Category: Teknologi
Install wkhtmltopdf with QT
# sudo apt-get update # sudo apt-get install -y wget xfonts-75dpi # wget # sudo dpkg -i wkhtmltox_0.12.6.1-2.jammy_amd64.deb # wkhtmltopdf --version cd /usr/local/bin/ cp wkhtmltoimage /usr/bin/ cp wkhtmltopdf /usr/bin/ wkhtmltopdf --version ## wkhtmltopdf (with patched qt)
Modifying Windows 11 ISO to Remove TPM and Secure Boot Requirements
Method 1: Use Rufus This method is handy if you want a quick and easy way to create USB installation media for Windows 11. You will need an 8GB or larger USB flash drive Download the Windows 11 iso Download Download Rufus version 3.16 or later Download Run the Rufus application Select…
Installing Windows 11 on ESXi 6.5
You can’t upgrade. Do a clean install with EFI ( it will do bios by default) and enable secure boot for efi. Boot from the Windows 11 ISO and use the BypassSecureBootCheck and BypassTPMCheck registry settings. Then install as normal. I have a Windows 10 VM on my Xserve 3,1…
MySQL/MariaDB will not start: “Can’t init tc log”
Symptoms When MySQL/MariaDB fails to start, the following error is logged to the MySQL/MariaDB error log: [Note] Recovering after a crash using tc.log [ERROR] Can't init tc log [ERROR] Aborting Description The error typically indicates the transaction coordinator log is empty, which may be caused by the server not…
How to Install Composer in CWP/Vesta/Cpanel/Plesk – CentOS/Ubuntu
In this tutorial we’ll install composer quickly and learn how to update composer and use different php version paths with composer, Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for you. Composer…
Install Composer – PHP dependency manager CWP
Composer can be installed in your server quickly and it's very easy to install: First update the server : yum -y update Switch into the /usr/local/src directory. cd /usr/local/src Install Composer by using cURL curl -sS | php To use Composer globally run this below command ensure to use…
Solved bind DNS server-problem
First of all: if you remove tje $ORIGIN line entrirely and keep your configuration as it is in your post, does it work? Secondly: set Code: allow-query {any;}; for a start and maybe try this on your main named.conf as well. We haven't seen your main configuration of named.conf, which might be the…
Cara mengatasi halaman login hotspot mikrotik tidak muncul otomatis
Cara mengatasi halaman login hotspot mikrotik tidak muncul otomatis - ketika menggunakan hotspot dari mikrotik pada saat user mengakses wifi yang sudah kita setting otomatis akan muncul halaman untuk melakukan login,tapi terkadang ada beberapa device yang halaman logn tersebut tidak muncul sehingga pengguna wifi harus mengakses melalui browser,hal itu membuat…
Fix Issue Apple IP Phone Gagal Konek Portal Mikrotik Hotspot
Dapat ilmunya dari rekan-rekan penggiat Mikrotik, apabila anda mengalami kendala terhadap portal Hotspot Mikrotik yg tidak mau terbuka anda dapat menambahkan perintah berikut: /ip hotspot walled-garden add comment=”place hotspot rules here” disabled=yes add comment=”Fix issue with Apple IP Phone ” dst-host=*doubleclick* dst-port=80,443 add path=/library/test/success.html add path=/library/test/success.html add…
Phpmyadmin. mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/2002): Permission denied.
I was facing the same problem. I'm using ubuntu 20.04 using wsl. Created the lamp server with php7.3. Created new user with full privilege's. From root & from other user, getting the same error. Step 1 - Install Selinux: sudo apt install policycoreutils selinux-utils selinux-basics Step 2 - Activate: sudo selinux-activate Step…
Menemukan String atau Kata Tertentu pada File dan Direktori di Linux
Menemukan String atau Kata Tertentu pada File dan Direktori di Linux. Sebenarnya saya sudah pernah membahas ini di artikel saya yang berjudul Mengenal Perintah Dasar Grep. namun mungkin karena banyak yang belum tau kalau mencari string itu menggunakan grep, masih ada yang nanya lewat fanspage bagaimana cara menemukan string tertentu pada…
ERROR 2026 (HY000): SSL connection error: unknown error number Mysql CLient
Server DB1 menggunakan Mysql 5.7 - mysql-client-5.7 (ex IP : Server DB 2 menggunakan Mysql 8.0 - mysql-client-8.0 (ex IP : Koneksi Via cli dari Server DB1 ke Server DB2 muncul error : "ERROR 2026 (HY000): SSL connection error: unknown error number" Solusi : pada Server Mysql Server…