Month: March 2019
Install Lsyncd Freebsd 12
When managing a web server or an application, there are many situations that require synchronization between directories. While a number of tools can help you accomplish this, lsyncd is a strong candidate. This article will discuss how to configure lsyncd to mirror changes between directories on a single machine and how to…
ubuntu releases and apt sources
Ubuntu has more than 20 major releases. Sometimes we need to work with old and end-of-life ones. Here is some useful info on ubuntu releases. Check current release Use command: lsb_release -a And a sample output: No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS Release: 14.04…
Nilai ideal ServerLimit dan MaxClients pada Apache
Pada web server Apache besarnya RAM sangatlah menentukan perfoma website kita, jadi semakin besar RAM maka website kita jadi bisa semakin banyak menerima pengunjung yang datang secara bersamaan. Permasalahan yang sering muncul adalah server kekurangan memory yang mengakibatkan Apache harus menggunakan swap memory (disk) yang berakibat loading website kita menjadi…
Real IP Address For Nginx BEHIND A REVERSE PROXY or HA Proxy
Firstly you need to configure HAProxy to pass the client IP address, which is quite simply done by adding the "forwardfor" and "http-server-close" options to the backend, ensuring that the real client IP reaches the backend web servers via the X-Forwarded-For header. Here is the configuration I'm using for my…
Configure a FreeBSD 10.1 server for hosting Laravel 5.x applications & Git.
Installing a few tools and utilities before we begin… Everyone comes to have their favourite Shell, Editor and set of utilities, and I’m no different… This first section I’m just going to set-up my favourite set of utilities and tools that I use on a regular basis! Setting the correct…