Month: January 2019
Cara Load Balance MySQL Database dengan HAProxy
Selain bisa digunakan untuk load balancing HTTP Web Server, HAProxy juga bisa digunakan untuk load balancing SQL Database. Sebenarnya sangat banyak sekali yang bisa dilakukan oleh si HAProxy ini, tapi kali ini kita cukup membahas cara Load Balancing MySQL Database dengan HAProxy. Persiapan Disini kita akan menggunakan 3 VM Ubuntu server 16.04. VM…
MySQL Master Master Replication and auto_increment_increment / auto_increment_offset
In this post we will see importance of replication related variables auto_increment_increment & auto_increment_offset with respect to MySQL Master Master setup. Consider we’ve already set a master-master replication. Now create following table on Server1: `id` int(10) NOT NULL auto_increment, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=12 DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; The table will…
No networking info and graphs on the networking tab
After all this wasn't a issue caused by cockpit, it had to do with the fact that my Ubuntu 17.04 didn't use network manager for managing the interfaces, I had to install network-manager then set the config to managed=true and also run sudo touch /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/10-globally-managed-devices.conf sudo service network-manager restart Then I relogged…