Day: March 8, 2018
Blocking Memcached Exploit Zimbra –
Detailed in this blog post, Zimbra memcached may face "memcrashd" attack on port 11211. By-default memcached listens on server IP address which is accessible in the network and on Internet if there is no firewall. If your Zimbra memcache servers are behind firewall, we recommend blocking ingress and egress traffic on…
Blocking Memcached Exploit Zimbra
Info awal :……/…/the-memcached-amplification-attack-rea… Untuk yang menggunakan Zimbra dengan memcached terpasang (mandatory mulai Zimbra versi 8.7.x) segera eskalasikan dengan perintah : zmprov ms `zmhostname` zimbraMemcachedBindAddress zmprov ms `zmhostname` zimbraMemcachedClientServerList Kemudian restart services. Untuk Zimbra < 8.7 yang pakai memcached, periksa file /opt/zimbra/bin/zmmemcachedctl dan sesuaikan. nano "/opt/zimbra/bin/zmmemcachedctl"…